Sunday, August 29, 2010


I am scanning many of my grandpa's things. The things I found in the drawer of his desk. having had the opportunity to look through them now, I wish I had grabbed one or two things off of the wall as well.
on one sheet, posted on the wall, he had everyone's birthdays, my mom, dad, grandma... he even had Michelle and I's Anniversary. I like knowing that he cared.
Also upon the wall were the certificates for his telegraph training, and other items. I managed to grab a few things, and i hope my grandma doesn't clear out to much of it. If I could I would have taken her whole basement, because I can't bring him back, but I don't want to lose a single memory of him. I guess that's how being a hoarder can start. based upon my amassment of sketchbooks and art supplies, I may not be far off from that.
I don't expect to get back to Cranbrook for quite a while...
but we'll try.

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