Sunday, August 29, 2010


I don't remember how I found out about my grandfather having a heart attack. The first one. The one that as about 2 weeks before. was it 2 weeks? I know I meant to phone, see how he was, wish him my best. The work week has a way of whisking ones mind into a flurry or haze. Time passing so quickly. It seemed like only a week and a half from the beginning of july, to the end of it. August has passed just the same.
I remember talking to my grandmother about it. seeing how he was. Grandma kinda clued me in, in her subtle ways, that his cancer had progressed, and he was likely not going to take the next treatment.
We were thinking of arranging a trip to see them over the labour day weekend, or the week after that. Not long down the line. But alas, not soon enough.
he had a second heart attack, two week later. maybe just not taking it easy enough after the first one. Maybe the cancer simply wore him down. maybe maybe maybe. speculation does not change the fact that all we are left with is memories. I hope by putting all I can here, that by someone reading this, that he can live just a little longer.

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